Lease Extension Uxbridge

We have many satisfied clients throughout Uxbridge and beyond who we have helped over the years.

We have dealt with the local authority in acting for tenants in ex-local authority flats.

We have acted for leaseholders throughout Uxbridge.

Whatever your needs, we can help you
With easy to understand advice and clear guidance, we can steer you through the complicated world of lease extensions.

What we offer
We offer a two part service which has been created to give you the advice you need when you need it and to keep your costs to a minimum.

The first stage is an inspection and valuation. We will inspect your property and provide you with a valuation report outlining your options and the likely costs involved. We will provide you with a valuation based on your formal right to extend the lease.

As the premium figure is dependent on many different factors, we will provide you with a range of likely premiums and from within that range we will suggest a premium which we believe to be both reasonable and justified.

Once we have sent you the report, we will be available to give further help and guidance. If at this stage you opt for an ‘informal’ process and you feel you are able to negotiate directly with your freeholder, we will support you and help you along the way. This service is included in the single fee for the valuation. If you decide that the formal approach is more suited to you, we will work with your solicitor to advise them on the correct premium to quote in the initial notice.

Whichever route you take, for an additional fixed fee we can negotiate your lease extension for you.

If the matter has to be referred to First Tier Tribunal, we will charge an extra fixed fee for preparing for the hearing and providing an Expert Witness Report and we will charge hourly fee for all additional work involved, including attending the tribunal if required and acting as an Expert Witness.

If you need legal advice, we can put you in touch with expert firms of lawyers who we have worked with successfully in the past.

Extending your lease can be a complicated and difficult process. Let Marsden Chartered Surveyors make it easier for you.

For more advice on lease extensions in Uxbridge, give us a call or use the Contact Us page. We will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your specific requirements.
